Wild Swan Books

Whitemetal Locos

A Kitbuilders Guide
Iain Rice

Softback  -  64 pages  -  £10.95


In his inimitable and enjoyable style, the author explains how to get the best from a whitemetal kit. Starting with the production process, through mould-making and casting, he goes on to explain how he plans his approach, and describes the preparation and refinement of castings, remedying faults, assembly techniques, and gives advice on gluing and soldering, patching and correcting mistakes.

With step-by-step illustrated examples, he also demonstrates how to carry out modifications to rectify errors or produce a variant. Detailing is also covered at some length and there is advice on finishing, preparation, basic painting (spraying and brushwork), photo sequences of lining and the application of transfers, all rounded off with notes on varnishing and weathering.

Example Two Page Spread [1]


Example Two Page Spread [2]