Wild Swan Books
The Coronation Pacifics
Pictorial Supplement to LMS Loco Profile No.11
John Jennison, Bob Meanley, Bob Essery, Fred James & David Hunt

Softback - 118 pages - £18.95
Contents- Nos. 6220 to 6224
- Nos. 6225 to 6229
- Nos. 6230 to 6234
- Nos. 6235 to 6248
- Nos. 6249 to 6252
- Nos. 6253 to 6255
- Nos. 6256 & 46257
The concept behind the Pictorial Supplements to the LMS Profile Series is to make available more good quality photographs than could be reasonably accommodated in the main title. Thus the content of this book is largely confined to images of the Coronation Class with detailed captions to highlight features illustrated by each photograph. Also included are seventeen drawings (four in large format bound into the book) which, due to space limitations, were omitted from the main title.
The images in the book have been grouped into sections based on batches of locomotives. The Coronation Class lends itself to this approach as the characteristics of the various series were fairly well defined. The content is designed to illustrate the appearance of the various batches throughout their lives, primarily to assist modellers, artists and historians to relate a locomotive's external condition to a particular period. While the images do not show every engine in all its iterations, by cross-referring within and between the sections, most combinations of livery and modification can be identified.
Example Two Page Spread [1]

Example Two Page Spread [2]

Example Two Page Spread [3]