Wild Swan Books
A Gresley Anthology
Edited by Geoffrey Hughes
Softback - 102 pages - £12.95
Contents- The Streamline Trains
- Memories of the Gresley Streamliners
- Locomotive Working with the Streamliners
- 'The Silver Jubilee' - A Day to Remember
- The Anonymous Years
- Pacific Locomotive Development
- How Good were the Original Pacifics
- Early Runs with the Original Pacifics
- Gresley Pacifics and Super-Pacifics
- Examining the Piston Valves of a 'Castle'
- The 'Green Arrows'
- The Early Years of the 'Green Arrows'
- Maintenance of the 'Green Arrows' in Service
- Memories of No.866
- Self-cleaning Smokeboxes on the V2s
- The 'Green Arrow' Derailments
- LNER Managers Have Their Say
- Sir Nigel Gresley: A Personal Recollection
- Salad Days in Steam
- Recollections of Some Lesser LNER Locomotives
- LNER Experiences
- The Driver's Storey: Charlie Peachey
- A Personal Account of 'The Silver Jubilee' Trial Run
- Memories of Colwick
- The Badger's Back
- Some LNER Tank Engines
- Shunting Engines at Colwick
- N2 Footplate Memories
- Memories of the King's Cross N2s
- The V1 and V3 2-6-2Ts
This book comprises a selection of articles written over a period of twenty years for The Gresley Observer, the Journal of the Gresley Society. The authors are varied, but all are experts in their knowledge of Sir Nigel Gresley's locomotives and trains.
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