Wild Swan Books
The Johnson 2441 Class Goods Tank Engines
Midland Engines No.5David Hunt, Bob Essery & Fred James

Softback - 78 pages - £12.95
Contents- Origins
- Construction & Modification
- Boilers
- Cylinders & Motion
- Frames
- Wheels & Sanding
- Brakes
- Platform & Tanks
- Bunker & Cab
- Carriage Warming
- Lamp Holders
- The Engines in Service
- Painting & Numbering
The sixty '2441' Class goods engines were precursors in their rebuilt form of the LMS standard 3F shunting tanks, commonly know to enthusiasts as 'Jinties'. In fact, the LMS regarded them as part of the standard 3F Class.
Built between 1899 and 1902, they were the last Midland engines in service and survived as late as their LMS-built counterparts. All of them became LMS and then BR stock, with the first withdrawals not being until April 1954 and the last in December 1966.
Fifteen detailed drawings are included, two of which are printed in large format on a fold out page bound into the book. The text is extensively illustrated with a comprehensive set of photographs of these engines from Midland, LMS and BR days. Appendices cover dates of building, rebuilding, renumbering and withdrawal. Shed allocations at outset and for selected dates between 1914 and 1960 are also included.
Example Two Page Spread [1]

Example Two Page Spread [2]

Example Two Page Spread [3]