Wild Swan Books

LMS Lineside Part One

V.R.Anderson & H.N.Twells

Softback  -  112 pages  -  £16.95


The main aim of this book and its companion LMS Lineside Part One was to provide information on the prototype equipment and lineside structures used by the LMS. The content is intended to help those who want to make a model of one or more LMS stations, goods depots and other lineside features and to be of interest to historians, modellers and artists alike.

The LMS inherited many different styles of pre-group railway equipment and, other than items that were purchased from outside suppliers, there was little standardisation until the Company started to modify pre-group designs or introduce new ones. LMS 'standard' designs were introduced progressively, generally as replacements for that which was life-expired, or to upgrade items such as signalling equipment, signal boxes, bridges etc. Indeed much of the equipment owned by the LMS, which included many items from the pre-1923 period that was taken over by British Railways, continued in use beyond the 1970s.

The many drawings and photographs in the book have been collected over 40 years by members of the LMS Society with a view to providing a cross section of the variety of different types of structure and equipment the LMS took over on 1st January 1923 or for that matter introduced itself between then and the end of 1947, when the LMS became part of British Railways.

The first LMS Lineside book covers stations, crossing the line, station lamps and station nameboards.

Example Two Page Spread [1]


Example Two Page Spread [2]


Example Two Page Spread [3]