Wild Swan Books

Building a Model Railway

Designing A Layout

Barry Norman

Softback  -  106 pages  -  £15.95


Following on from the success of Landscape Modelling, Barry Norman takes us back to the beginning of the layout building process in this book written to explain and guide you through the design of a model railway layout.

He discusses and explains the things that need to be borne in mind at the design stage and takes you through every step, from choosing a prototype or combination of prototypes to work with, through considerations of space and suggestions for a home for the layout to the finalizing of a track plan and preliminary scenery designs.

The book includes a set of templates to help you design your own layout, but also features a wealth of well thought-out and very varied finished designs, all presented in Barry’s familiar MRJ style. Above all, this book is designed to make you think, and with its very generous filling of drawings, plans and prototype and model photographs, it is sure to make that thinking time more enjoyable than ever before. Pure inspiration!

Example Two Page Spread [1]


Example Two Page Spread [2]


Example Two page Spread [3]