Wild Swan Books
Modelling with Plastic Structure Kits
Getting the best from the Wills and Ratio RangesIain Rice

Softback - 116 pages - £24.95
Contents- Preliminaries
- Tools and Techniques
- Plastic Modelling Materials
- Kit Construction and Refinement
- Pragmatic Scratch-Building
- Model Civil Engineering
- Painting and Finishing
This is a completely new and much expanded edition of Iain Rice's deservedly popular book on making the most of the readily available plastic sheets, kits and scenic detailing items. Using colour photography throughout, there are informative and inspiring photographs of the "real thing" and Iain's excellent sketches show in detail the methods of construction adopted by the prototype and how best to represent these in minature.
Whatever its drawbacks as a modelling material, styrene-based plastic has some overwhelming advantages, chief amongst which is its versatility. There are very few architectural materials, textures and features that cannot be reproduced pretty convincingly in styrene, with thatch being the obvious exception. But with flat-rolled, embossed, moulded and vacuum-formed sheet, moulded, drawn and milled strip and profile sections, round and square-section tubing, rodding down to filament thickness, myriad moulded detail parts and a range of glazing options - all joinable by a common solvent or cement - the possibilities are all but endless.
Example Two Page Spread [1]

Example Two Page Spread [2]

Example Two Page Spread [3]