Wild Swan Books
The 4mm Wagon Part One
Opens, Minerals & HoppersGeoff Kent

Softback - 86 pages - £12.95
Contents- First Principles
- Open Wagons
- LMS Open
- GWR Open
- LNER 13-Ton Steel Open
- BR Shock Open
- SR Shock Open
- LMS Medfit
- BR Medfit
- Palbrick
- Low-Sided Wagons
- Mineral Wagons
- LMS 7-Plank Mineral
- RCH Private Owner
- SR 8-Plank Mineral
- Slope-Sided Steel Mineral
- Standard Minerals
- BR Minfit
- GWR 20-Ton Mineral
- Hopper Wagons
- LNER 20-Ton Hopper
- LNER 13-Ton Hopper
- Catfish
- Bulk Grain Hoppers
- Scratchbuilding a Steel Grain Van
This is the first book of a three-part series in which the author outlines the construction of a selection of kits more or less as the manufacturers intended, covering as wide a field of materials as possible. He also seeks to assist those who are looking to broaden the scope of their wagon fleet by suggesting ways in which some of those same kits can be modified by judicious butchery and modest scratch building, and, taking things a stage further, guides the reader through more extensive scratch building to produce types of vehicle which are so far poorly represented in either kit or ready-to-run form.
His aim over the three-part work was to produce a representative range of wagon types such as might be seen in the average pick-up goods. Wagons to be considered will all have been built in the period 1900-1960, and mostly post-1923, since this fits in with Geoff's own chosen modelling period of the mid-to-late fifties.
As well as open, mineral and hopper wagons, Part One includes the basic techniques of building 4mm wagons from kits and from scratch. Part Two of the series covers general merchandise vans, special purpose vans and tank wagons. Part Three deals with conflats & containers, wagons for long loads & steel, brake vans and finishing touches to wagon models.
Example Two Page Spread [1]

Example Two Page Spread [2]

Example Two Page Spread [3]