Wild Swan Books
LNER Wagons Volume Three
LNER Scottish AreaPeter Tatlow

Hardback - 186 pages - £33.95
Contents (ex-NB & ex-GNS Wagons)- Low Sided Merchandise Wagons
- Fixed-sided & Drop-sided Wagons
- Centre Drop Door Open Wagons
- High-sided Open Wagons
- End Door Mineral Wagons
- Loco Coal Wagons
- Steel Coal Hopper Wagons
- Mineral & Coak Wagons
- Iron Ore Wagons
- Covered & Perishable Goods Vans
- Open Fish Trucks & Meat Vans
- Cask, Lime & Offal Wagons
- Tank & Gas Holder Tank Wagons
- Pig Iron and Bar Iron Wagons
- Tube, Rail & Plate Wagons
- Single & Double Bolster Wagons
- Implement & Machinery Wagons
- Boiler & Pulley Wagons
- Gunpowder Vans
- Glass & Trestle Wagons
- Well, Flat & Propeller Trolley Wagons
- Cattle Wagons
- Ballast Wagons
- Ballast Brake, Tool & Riding Vans
- Stores Vans & Inspection Saloons
- Departmental Vehicles
- Goods Brake Vans
- Incline Brake Vans
The LNER was constituted from the North Eastern Railway, Great Central Railway, Great Eastern Railway, Great Northern Railway, Hull & Barnsley Railway, North British Railway and Great North of Scotland. All four of the grouping companies had an independent existence of just twenty-five years, before they were nationalised as British Railways, part of the British Transport Commission, from 1st January 1948.
Peter Tatlow has compiled a series of books for Wild Swan on the wagons absorbed by the LNER from its constituent companies and the standard wagon designs subsequently developed by the LNER. This the third volume in the series includes over 60 wagon types absorbed by the LNER from the former North British and Great North of Scotland Railways.
Volume One covered the ex-GN, ex-GC and ex-GE wagons absorbed by the LNER in its Southern Area and Volume Two deals with the ex-H&B, ex-NE and ex-M&GN wagons in the LNER North-Eastern Area. Volumes 4A and 4B conclude the series with coverage of the LNER standard wagon designs.
Example Two Page Spread [1]

Example Two Page Spread [2]

Example Two Page Spread [3]